- Go to bed at the same time daily. If you don’t then you break your circadian rhythm and they regulate your mood. Good sleep = good mood.
- Learn to negotiate.
- Learn to listen.
- Make a schedule. But more importantly, stick to it. Plan a life you’d like to have and then go and pursue it.
- Use your time wisely.
- Clean your room.
- Workout. Keeping your mind and body healthy.
- Start writing. Tip: have a journal.
90/90/1 Rule
For the next 90 days,
- Use the first 90 minutes of the day to work on one thing that will have a powerful and beneficial impact on your life.
- Have a clean environment. No distractions.
- Surround yourself with people who uplift you. Successful and productive people who care about you and want the best for you.
- Consider becoming a minimalist. Every object or thing you own should either have a purpose or spark joy in you. The same can be applied to your work and your goals. Have smaller but more meaningful tasks and goals.
“Music is the closest thing to a time machine we have.” — Unknown
“We didn’t notice we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.” — Winnie the pooh
- What results do you really want after these 90 days? Is it measurable? The more details and preciseness the better.
- Why? What are the reasons and are they strong? Tip: What makes it a must, not a should.
Find inspiration, motivation, make a mood board. Perhaps it’s pictures that can capture your motivation or words that can embrace your enthusiasm. It can positively affect your biochemistry and level of energy.
Create your plan. What do you need to accomplish? Really get the ideas going, have a brainstorming session. Be open-minded, and then narrow it down.
Focus on what you want. Once you have the ideas narrowed down, start prioritizing them. Which ones are crucial and which ones are less important.