Happy New Year! I hope that 2022 will be that year for you ❤
Disclaimer: Being ‘that girl’ is different for everyone and it’s not supposed to be a toxic idea, it’s meant to give motivation for one striving to be their best self.
“Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life and see how life suddenly starts working for you, rather than against you.” — Eckhart Tolle
My suggestions for making the most out of 2022 would be to make your goals do-able, not impossible, and to adjust your goals throughout the year. For example, if you had a goal of reading a book every two weeks but if it becomes stressful and if you feel that it’s more like a task than a hobby, that’s when I’d recommend re-assessing your goal and perhaps slightly adjusting it to something that can actually be achievable for you. Maybe try reading a book every month instead of two weeks. The overall goal is to stay consistent, not to go crazy in the first two months and then drop the habit completely. Reading is a great way to learn and I encourage having it implemented into your life.
I also believe that there can be some short-term goals at the start of the new year that can help kick off your new years resolutions. For instance, cleaning up social media accounts. Perhaps you want to rebrand yourself, if necessary, if not, you can always just go through your following or your followers and decide what’s worth keeping or changing. Another way to kick off the year is by fixing up your resume (again, only if that’s applicable to you). Or you could update your LinkedIn account.
Other possible goals:
- Learn a new skill
- Learn a new language
- Have a new hobby (start writing, start a blog, singing, etc)
- Learn about finances
- Start an online course
- Update your music / make playlists, etc
- Write letters more often
- Create a five year plan or a bucket list
Good Luck and Happy New Year!