- Study. True learning takes energy and passion (anger and love combined)
- Money. People want to play it safe (anger does not fuel them, fear does)
- The study of money never ends.
- Study the subject of money. More money won’t solve the problem, it’s the lack of understanding it.
- Most people have a price (driven by fear and greed). By saying that they ‘have a price’ it means that they have a number in their head that they’d do anything for. For example, one gets a job they don’t like for the six figure income.
- Fear, makes us work hard.
- Pattern set — get up, work, pay bills (they are controlled by fear and greed)
- Step 1: Telling the truth — How you’re feeling.
- They react emotionally instead of logically. Feel the fear, fail to think.
- Being rich does not solve the problem.
- Greed or Desire
- Desire — joy that money can buy
- Rich people grow rich for fear. Rich people fear losing the money. The fear that drove them to get rich got worse. Emotionally desperate.
- The avoidance of money is as bad as being attached to money.
- “I’m not interested in money” yet works 8 hours a day — example: denial of truth.
- Emotion — energy in motion. Be truthful about emotions, use your mind and emotions to help you.
- *Be an observer not a reactor to your emotions.
- Do your own thinking, don’t use your emotions thinking.
- “I want a job” — the emotion / fear doing the thinking. Someone who doesn’t get controlled, “Will having a job be the best solution to the fear in the long run?”
- Job short term solution to a long term problem
- Master the power of money instead of being afraid of it. If you don’t learn it, you become a slave to money.
- We’re all employees, we just work at different levels.
- Use fear in your favor, not against you.
- First handle fear and desire then becoming rich, if rich comes before you’ll only be a highly paid slave.
- Fear and ignorance (self- afflicted) are the problems — not the economy.
- Most people don’t question where those emotional thoughts are leading them. Like a donkey driving a cart with a carrot in front of its nose — the driver is getting where it wants to go, the donkey is stuck chasing an illusion.
- Fear pushes you out the door and desires calls to you. That’s the trap.
- Ignorance intensifies fear and desires.
- Once a person stops searching for information and self-knowledge, ignorance sets in.
- For many people, school is the end not the beginning.
- Don’t let money run your life!
- Learn to use your emotions to think, not think with your emotions.