unable to move on.

2 min readAug 29, 2023



Lately I have been upset with myself and find myself unable to move forward. I had been in a talking stage for approximately 4 months before calling it quits. The part that gets me is that we never had any arguments or any issues throughout the entire talking stage and everything was fine before ending. I do not know how to move on from this since I make excuses for myself every time I try to reconnect with the person. I would say to myself, “he’s just a best friend” or when I’m struggling through a minor inconvenience, I would go running to him as I know he’d be there for me, etc. I also thought I should mention that I have his number memorized, and even when I block his contact, I still can easily unblock and call. I wish they could have like an erase memory part so that I wouldn’t be able to remember the right number and therefore would be able to start that moving on process.

Despite watching the many advice talks on the best ways to get over someone, I still haven’t managed to use that to my advantage. The number one comment is to get rid of all interaction. I do not follow that rule whatsoever. I did, however, go the whole morning without texting and calling but then gave up when I was bored.

I just needed to vent a little about something that I feel is pretty relatable. I feel like psychologically my unconscious just doesn’t want me to go through something uncomfortable and it’s sort of protecting me by delaying this moving on process? It makes sense but at the same time, one grows from the uncomfortable. Staying comfortable doesn’t get you anywhere. I need to start acting properly and letting the new opportunities come to me.

Thank you for listening. Feel free to share your thoughts & experiences.




I have a passion for self-improvement and writing. Please give feedback and have fun :)